Managed Website Hosting

Start something amazing with someone local

Custom hosting solutions

Are you tired of managing your website hosting yourself? Are you ready to hand off the headache of keeping your site up and running to someone else?

With our managed website hosting, you can finally take a breather. We’ll take care of all the performance, security, and updates for you. So you can focus on your business and leave the website hosting to us.

Reliable & experienced hosting experts

Reliable website hosting is essential for businesses large and small. Downtime costs you money and frustrates your customers. but expensive hosting providers lock you in to long-term contracts with inflexible terms.Our managed website hosting service offers the best of both worlds: affordability and flexibility.

Launchpad websites

Simple, one page websites which work to give you a web presence in the short term, without requiring huge projects or costs. These sites can usually be up within a week, with input from you required.

Stunning custom websites

Big, elaborate and beautiful – our bespoke, custom websites are designed to deliver maximum brand impact, to provide an outstanding user experience and to convert users into sales & leads as effectively as possible.

eCommerce solutions

Make some extra money online or launch the next Amazon; we can help you with the design and build of a beautiful eCommerce website, which has an incredible user experience and in many cases can be so simple to manage you can do it yourself.

Ready to get started?

Don't be shy! We promise we’re less scary in person. We would be happy to come meet with you or we know a few good local cafes which feed our caffeine addiction.