G’day, savvy business owners! In today’s competitive digital landscape, it’s essential to have a well-rounded online marketing plan that encompasses both AdWords and SEO. By combining the power of paid advertising with the organic reach of search engine optimisation, you can significantly improve the performance of your AdWords campaigns and get more bang for your buck.

In this informative listicle, we’ll reveal the top 10 SEO strategies that will take your AdWords campaigns to the next level. These strategies, tried and tested by our team of experts at Delve Digital, are designed to help you increase your click-through rates (CTRs), lower your cost per click (CPC), and ultimately generate more leads and conversions.

With these powerful, must-implement techniques at your fingertips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving maximum success in your AdWords campaigns. So, strap yourself in and get ready to level up your online marketing game by incorporating these 10 essential SEO strategies for your AdWords campaigns.

1. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

The foundation of any solid AdWords campaign lies in accurate keyword research. Your goal is to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords to target with your ads. Use tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner or tools like SEMrush to uncover keyword ideas and analyse their search volume, competition, and potential return on investment (ROI). By focusing on keywords that have a good conversion potential, you can maximise your campaign effectiveness and minimise wastage.

2. Implement Negative Keywords

Negative keywords allow you to exclude specific search terms from triggering your ads. By refining your list of negative keywords, you can ensure your ads are shown to the most relevant audience, reducing the chances of irrelevant clicks. Analyse your search term report periodically and add any irrelevant terms as negative keywords, which will help you improve your click-through rates and overall campaign performance.

3. Optimise Your Ad Copy

Creating compelling ad copy is crucial for the success of your AdWords campaigns. Write clear and persuasive headlines and descriptions that include your main targeted keywords. This not only helps you rank higher but also improves your Ad Relevance and Expected CTR, which are crucial components of your Ad Rank. Additionally, make use of the ad extensions available in Google Ads, such as callout, sitelink, and structured snippet extensions to provide more information about your business and offer an improved user experience.

4. Focus on Landing Page Optimisation

Your landing page’s performance has a big impact on your AdWords campaign success. Ensure your landing page is relevant to your ad copy and keywords, with clear calls-to-action (CTAs), easy navigation, and fast loading times. Moreover, be sure to optimise your landing page for both desktop and mobile devices to improve user experience and conversion rates. Landing page optimisation can also improve your Quality Score, reducing your cost per click (CPC) and increasing your Ad Rank.

5. Utilise Ad Scheduling

With Ad Scheduling, you can choose to show your ads only during specific days or hours that are most likely to yield results. Analyse your Google Ads account to identify any patterns in your ad performance and schedule your ads accordingly. If you notice higher conversions on particular weekdays or during specific hours, adjust your ad scheduling to capitalise on those trends. This ensures you’re maximising your budget and getting the most out of your campaigns.

6. Apply Geo-Targeting and Local SEO

If you’re targeting a regional audience, geo-targeting and local SEO play an essential role in enhancing your AdWords campaigns. Set up location targeting in Google Ads to ensure your ads are shown to users in your specific target area. Don’t forget to optimise your website and ad copy with locally-focused keywords, including city or suburb names, to improve your ad performance.

7. Employ the Power of Ad Rotation

Ad Rotation allows you to test different variations of ad copy for a particular set of keywords. By enabling ad rotation in your campaigns, you can discover which ads resonate best with your target audience and yield the most conversions. Google Ads gives you multiple options for ad rotation, such as “Optimise for clicks” or “Optimise for conversions”. Use these settings to maximise the benefits of ad rotation and enhance the overall efficiency of your campaigns.

8. Incorporate Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, allows you to show ads to users who have previously visited your website but have not completed a conversion. By adding retargeting to your AdWords strategy, you can increase your chances of converting prospective customers who may have shown interest but didn’t convert during their initial visit. Create remarketing lists and develop tailored ad messaging for different audiences in your remarketing campaigns to achieve higher conversion rates.

9. Regularly Analyse and Optimise Campaign Performance

Monitoring and optimising your AdWords campaigns on a regular basis is crucial to maintain and improve their performance. Keep an eye on important metrics like click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Make data-driven adjustments to your campaigns, such as tweaking your ad copy, keywords, or targeting settings, to refine your campaign’s performance and increase ROI.

10. Align Your SEO and AdWords Efforts

Last but not least, don’t treat your SEO and AdWords efforts as separate entities. Align them to maximise the benefits of both channels. For instance, use the keyword data discovered in your SEO research to inform your AdWords keyword targeting and vice versa. Additionally, use the SEO best practices to optimise your landing pages for a higher Quality Score in your AdWords campaigns.

By implementing these 10 must-use SEO strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to drive success in your AdWords campaigns and achieve your online marketing goals.

Maximise Your AdWords Campaigns with Delve Digital’s Expertise

Leveraging these 10 essential SEO strategies for your AdWords campaigns can lead to significantly improved performance and increased ROI. From conducting comprehensive keyword research and optimising your landing pages to aligning your SEO and AdWords efforts, each strategy plays a crucial role in enhancing your online marketing success.

However, effectively managing and optimising AdWords campaigns can be a complex and time-consuming process. That’s where Delve Digital comes in. Our team of dedicated professionals specialises in creating and managing highly targeted and optimised AdWords campaigns for businesses like yours. With our in-depth knowledge of both SEO and AdWords, we’ll help you implement these strategies to maximise your campaign’s effectiveness and achieve your marketing objectives.

Don’t leave the success of your AdWords campaigns to chance. Entrust your online marketing to the experts at Delve Digital and watch as your conversions, brand visibility, and ROI skyrocket. Learn more about our Google AdWords services and take the first step towards a more effective and rewarding online marketing strategy!